Monday, May 4, 2009

And the winner is . . . .

And the winner is . . . .

Luke Schlagel! Luke won the iTouch raffle and it was a joy to present him with his prize! Luke is a young man who goes to our church and just a couple of weeks ago did a lemonade stand for Aaron's fund. We surprised Luke by having him come to give Aaron the proceeds of the lemonade stand and then had Aaron give him the iTouch. I posted a video of Aaron giving him the iTouch at the bottom of this update. He was happily surprised! Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle.

Aaron is doing amazingly well - great platelet counts and lots of energy. Friday afternoon he kept asking for Lemon Pound Cake from Starbucks (something he used to like). I never thought in a million years he would eat it, but got some anyways. To my amazement he started chowing down on it! He asked for more tonight, but all of the Starbucks were closed by then. I can't tell you the joy I had in seeing him eating with enjoyment for the first time since mid-March. Thankfully it has 500 calories per slice (good for him if not for me) and I'm letting him have as much as he wants!

I think we will be going to Texas for the second opinion, as it seems the only way we can speak with them directly is to go and bring Aaron. Not crazy about traveling with him with no immune system, but I think I'd always second guess myself if we didn't. Damon is in agreement that we need to speak to these doctors even if that means we will have to fly commercially. I am going to plead my case one more time that he shouldn't be exposed to the germs, but I think it is more a policy issue.

That is all for now! Please continue to pray that Aaron is completely cancer-free and remains so.
