Saturday, April 25, 2009

Still Waiting

Just a quick update to let you know that we are still waiting on the opinion from MD Anderson. I am not sure at this point yet whether I am going, or if we also need to bring Aaron. The Angel Flight pilot available has a small plane that has to fly at low altitude and stop for fuel so the flight would be an estimated ten hours, so I'm not sure if we'd use that option as it may be too much for Aaron.

Speaking of Aaron, he is doing really well. Yesterday we went to the clinic and his platelets were holding at 84,000 and his anc was 3500. That is a great improvement! He is in good spirits and wanting to play and have fun. Food still doesn't taste good, but I hear that can take months to come back. We have upped the ng tube feeds and he should be off of the i.v. nutrition by Tuesday. On May 5th he will have his broviac removed and go back to using his port, and on May 8th we'll be transitioned back to oncology. I hate to say goodbye to our bmt doctors and nurses, but it is a good thing that he has progressed so rapidly.

That's it for now, just looking forward to seeing family over the weekend and having some fun!

