Tuesday, March 24, 2009

At the bottom

Aaron was at zero yesterday finally - which is good from a treatment standpoint but of course difficult for him. He is just struggling with the nausea and some diarrhea, and even on three different nausea meds some still breaks through. That said, he is doing so much better than I expected and has not needed any pain medication so far. He is mainly just tired and sleeps and watches just a little tv, and that is basically the extent of his energy. If he just sleeps through these next few days I'll be happy! The doctor anticipates that the cells that were infused will start creating new cells soon so she doesn't think he'll be at zero for more than a few more days. Today he will get red blood cells and platelets as his have dropped below the acceptable levels.
Ben's appointment did go as I expected and the neurologist thinks that he is on the "autism spectrum" even if to only a small degree. She gave me referrals for a further screening and to a program that she thinks will greatly benefit him and improve his communication abilities. She was very positive that she thinks Ben can have a normal life with intervention now. I was expecting this from her, but I have to say that I am overwhelmed with the prospect of adding in appointments for Ben to Aaron's already busy post-transplant plan of physical therapy and clinic visits. It feels like too much to handle, but then again so did chemo and look where we are now! Please just pray for me that I am truly able to give this burden over to the Lord and that He will give me strength for my tasks. Ben is such a great little boy with so many wonderful characteristics that I am really trying not to dwell on the label and just see it as an opportunity for him to get some help that he needs.
That's all for today! Thank you for your prayers. We were just talking last night how they are lifting us up.