Friday, March 20, 2009

Day Plus Three

Just a quick post to let you know that we are still in limbo waiting for Aaron's counts to drop. He was vomiting and had diarrhea last night and this morning, so they stopped the feeds through the ng tube and will go to the i.v. nutrition. We were holding off on this because it stresses the liver, but he needs the calories. He was still in good spirits and playing and being charming with his nurses and physical therapist. It is great that he is doing well, but it was expected that his counts would be at zero and they were actually up today at 2200. The doctor isn't worried yet, so I am trying not to but it is imperative that this high dose chemo work for him and wipe out his bone marrow so we are sure any remaining cancer cells are gone. I'd never thought I'd pray for his counts to go to zero, but that is the goal! He is just such a trooper and while I'm sure he'd like to go home he just never complains. I wish I were more like that!