Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scan Results

As far as tumor is concerned, the scan results were all good. There is no evidence of any activity at this point. Yea! One thing that did become evident from all of the extended blood testing is that the bone marrow and blood system are not where they should be at 90 days post transplant. This is not entirely unexpected, they are assuring me. Because Aaron is so young and his body is growing and requiring a lot, his system is under stress and "fragile". His liver is actually producing blood cells to try to keep up with the need. On Thursday they will do the bone marrow aspirate, and if it shows that the bone marrow is too fragile then he will get a transfusion of more of his stem cells. We have another bag of cells in the deep freeze that were not needed for the transplant, so if he needs a boost they are there. This would only mean one night at the hospital at most.

The main thing we need to do is still protect him from illness which would further stress his system, and try to get him to eat a wide variety of foods to gain some more weight and work towards better nutrition.

Another time of waiting is over, and I'm thankful for the good news! We will do full body scans again in three more months.

Thanks for all of the prayers that went up for Aaron this past week! I continue to see God work good things through this bad situation, and my continued prayer is that He would take this ugly thing and work it into something beautiful in Aaron's life down the road.
